Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New topping!

hey guys! it's jenno.. first of all, i just want to apologize for the lack of updates! we PROMISE there will be more frequent updates to this here blog in the near future! as for this update, it's going to be short and sweet and all about my NEW GREEN WIG. oh, man. i am so happy about this thing, lemme tell you.. it's DEFINITELY the coolest of all the wigs on pico, if not only for the fact that it has a SNAIL living in it. that's right, a snail..

I MEAN, HOW COOL IS THAT? btw, this is my 'snail princess' alter-ego. if you see me wearing it, of course you're welcome to say hello to/pet slimey mcrhymetime, but i may have to rush out and fight some snailcrime abruptly, so be forewarned!

see, what we have here is two minipicos who decided to hijack this train... i simply COULD NOT let them get away with it. you know, cause of... umm.. snailjustice, and all. (ps i love the conductor! i hope i can buy his clothes, soon!)

after such a long day, i like to relax in apple chairs. ONLY apple chairs. BTW, this ^ and the next picture were taken in Catmid's room. she has a WONDERFUL pico blog over at http://picofreaks.blogspot.com, CHECK IT OUT!! check out her space, too, it's 4 rooms of awesomeness!

WOW!!! imagine my surprise when I realize that this room is dedicated to the snail princess herself.. a beautiful replica... OF ME? how thoughtful, Catmid! ohh... it's NOT a replica of me...? you just REALLY like the green wig..? well... shucks... can I at least pretend?! ;D

no matter how busy a snailprincess may be, there is always one thing you MUST make time for: PARTY TIME, WIG STYLE!!

in other news:


(copico decided to copy my look. double the awesome.)